Valentine’s Day
Bouquets of flowers especially roses, greeting cards, balloons, champagne corks popping, a little guy with a bow & arrow, red hearts and of course chocolate—lots of chocolate.
It is always nice to spoil and honour our loved ones. It is a good time to be grateful for our blessings.
My husband and I have a further relationship with Valentine”s Day. We became engaged on this day. Exactly one year later we were married on this day. That was 40 years ago and so far so good. As we reach this milestone it is a time for a bit of reflection.
What makes a union last this long? We must be doing something right.
Stepping into it I assumed it would be a lifetime commitment and that is still in effect.
Love is the binding force.
Allowing is also an important part.
Allowing the other person to be who they are without trying to change them.
Allowing them to grow in all aspects without needing to control the journey.
Allowing yourself the same in kind without judgment.
Just allowing.
Let’s raise our glasses high and toast to a day filled with love and good wishes.
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!
Image courtesy of Ventrilock /