And The Truth Shall Set You Free… A Man Called Icke
It was in the mid nineties at the University of Victoria, B.C. we first heard David Icke speak his truth. My husband and I plus two friends were among only a hand-full of people in this large auditorium.David was just beginning to share his message with the world and we all had just read his first book. A football (soccer) player and then media correspondent in Britain, he made it a challenge to inform people about how the world was really being run and a challenge it certainly became.
Much maligned and labeled a “nutter” by the press, he never the less preserved. I can only imagine what it must have felt like to have your entire family ridiculed and jeered at wherever you went.As he gathered greater numbers in his audiences, attempts were made to stop him from speaking.The owners of buildings where he was to appear were pressured to cancel his engagements.It is no longer acceptable to nail people to the cross, behead them or burn them at the stake and yet attempts are still made to ‘kill the messenger’ when we don’t like what he/she is saying.We just defame and embarrass them instead.
David was once held at Immigration for four hours while trying to enter Canada. His audience in Toronto was given the news with offers of money back but most stayed to hear his message, a message of self-empowerment. His website was constantly shut down.Did any of this deter the man? No! He stuck by his principles in order to speak his truth with passion.Then he was accused of being anti-Semitic and even that did not deter him. Anyone familiar with his work knows of the vast research involved to carry out his mission. Also, David has an uncanny grasp of the big picture, a picture that far exceeds the confines of any one religion or nationality. He fully understands and sees through the illusion.
In February 2009 at the Conscious Life Expo in L.A., my daughter, Andrea, and I heard him speak once again.This time, lines of people waited long before the event and I am happy to say the auditorium was packed to capacity as is now the case every time he speaks. He draws large crowds because the audiences know on a conscious level when they are hearing truth. I salute you David Icke for having the courage and commitment to continue your work in order to educate the public while enduring many hardships along the way. I can hear the applause from the spirit realm as you keep treading firmly upon your soul’s path.
Well done!